Archizam – ARE Practice Exam Review

Well guys, after diving into exam preps, study guides, and other numerous resources for ARE 5.0 for what seemed like ages, I finally found resource that I can’t wait to tell you about! With everything out there to pick from it can be overwhelming trying to find the right study aids!

Now, while I’ll always stand behind PPI’s guides and resources as a great source for everything you may need, I also understand how cost and overall expense can weigh in on these decisions while trying to take what are already expensive exams. Plus, sometimes you just want to take practice exams which can really get you in the mindset for the day-of and keep you on your toes.

So what did I stumble upon you may ask?!


Not only do I LOVE the name (hello, my name’s Stevie and I’m a Harry Potter nerd!) but I really like how the exam prep is created by a couple of younger guys, Mark and Ben, who have gone through studying and completing the exams themselves recently so they really have a firm grasp on what types of questions to prepare you with.


So let’s get right into my review of Archizam!


When you get to Archizam’s exam link, you’ll see they have everything neatly listed as to what you may want to be quizzed on. I also love how they have sectioned off different amounts of questions depending on how long you may have to study. (I was a big fan of studying during my lunch break, or while I was waiting at the doctor’s office, etc.)

It’s super easy to sign up and try their Free 10 Question exams to see if their layout is right for you. Then, if you ready to dive into more questions you have a couple options as to how to get a Premium Membership. I’ll go more into the costs a little later.

Like Practice Exams? You’ll love this Study Structure!

What I like about Archizam’s overall content and structure is that is is based on mainly practice exams. This is so helpful because doing these type of practice exams (especially on the computer) will help get you and your mind prepared for the big test day.

Below is an example question from one of their Free Trial Exams.

I really like how you can select you answer, check it immediately if you want, and they even provide an explanation!

Contract Exams

These guys also took to making various Contract Exams questions which go over some of the main AIA Contracts we go over in our daily grind. I gotta hand it to them…..there isn’t much fun to AIA Contracts so to really sit down and come up with some helpful exam questions just goes to show they want to help other aspiring architects!


When you head on over to their Membership link they have all the options laid out for you. They really do have cost options for any and everyone! For instance, some people just want a week of exam access as a change of pace from their usual exam studying…..while some would rather have exclusive access, pay once, and never have to worry about it again!

I really like how they’ve thought about fitting their exam resources into everyone’s budget! They also offer a 5 day refund policy in case their exam style just isn’t for you.


What I love even more about Archizam and the creators is that they didn’t stop at just making different the Practice Exams….they went a step further and compiled all kinds of useful information and organized it and very coherent (and still AFFORDABLE!) guide. I mean, come on! $15?! That’s an average of only three Starbucks coffees, right? Totally worth it!

Archizam’s Un-Official Guide to Tackling the AREs is a great first step to anyone who is looking to take that initial plunge and may not know exactly where to start. In it you can find different strategies, scale of importance of the exams, and even interviews from Architects who have been through the gantlet before. (You may even see one from yours truly!)

Final Thoughts

Soooo, after even thing I’ve laid out here what are my final thoughts to Archizam and their unique study aids? I’m all for em! As I mentioned before, having a good set of PPI resources is always great and I stand behind them as a standard, but having resources that are fun, interactive, easy, and affordable are well worth it! Often examinees can get weighed down with the density of certain study guides and having an alternative to turn to in order to take the edge off can always help!

You can never have too many study sources in my opinion and Archizam is one I definitely recommend to adding to your practice exam studying! So head on over to their website and look around! I doubt you’ll be disappointed! Until next time!

Need more help in studying for the ARE’s? Click here for more information and resources from me!